Saturday, February 14, 2009

Child Indoctrination Nation: Elation vs Frustration

I want to point out a simple fact that is overlooked and affects everyone tremendously.


–verb (used with object), -nat⋅ed, -nat⋅ing, -nat⋅ion (n.).
1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
2. to teach or inculcate.
3. to imbue with learning.

Of course I don't think it is a bad thing for parents to show their kids what they believe. But it is another thing to deprive them of the entire existence. What's even worse is that the child grows up and doesn't even know what happened to his/her beliefs, they are just there. One step further, they accept it with very little concern or disgruntlement. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Parents just try to do what's best for their children, I understand that. Christianity has taught me how to be a good person. I am glad my parents showed me that. But I really wish they, or someone at my church, or anyone really, would have sat me down and asked me:
  • "Why did you become a Christian?"
  • "What made you chose that over the other choices?"
  • "Do you believe that other religious individuals outside of Christianity will go to Hell?"
I became a Christian because I went to church with my family, then when I met some friends in Jr. High who quickly became my best friends, they brought me to their youth group and it was a lot of fun and started adding actual meaning to my life. I didn't chose over any other choice. It wasn't 'Republican or Democrat?' And the third question, well I hadn't really thought about that, and when it did it made my heart break and disgusted me. When you go as far as to start saying that Islams are infidels and should be converted, where do you get off? They grew up just like you did! They think you are wrong! Can't we all just get along?

When I look back, I see that my brain was washed. My emotions were manipulated. Of course I want to 'accept Jesus as my personal savior and spend eternity in Heaven', I mean, who could resist that??? If you consider yourself any kind of religious person, I beg of you to ask yourself these questions. You must educate yourself as much as possible in this area, and then make an intellectual decision, not an emotional cop-out. This is not basketball. Just because I am from Florida I have to root for the Heat or the Magic? Thank God that's not the case.

I am going to post Jesus Camp again, it is a movie that everybody needs to see, it portrays the youth at a summer camp, and my heart melts for these children. I want to close by quoting something that is used a lot in Christian church, "faith like a child." This refers to adults saying they wish they could believe whole heartedly like children do. Well, why do you think that is? Maybe because children are uneducated and as you have grown older you have realized some shady stuff and find it hard to believe anymore. And no it is not Satan, I know that is the first response, it is factual information. You convince children that Santa Claus flies around with magical reindeer and drops through the chimney to give you free presents. See how easily they are persuaded? We must put an end to this, NOW. It is unfair and it is causing WARS. If you don't believe part (most) of our reasons for being overseas for religious causes, I implore you to watch Constantine's Sword, it should be available at movie stores or I watched it on netflix. A wonderful documentary, in it he visits the United States Air Force Academy where Christianity is being force fed, and also interviews Ted Haggard who is an evangelical preacher that spoke with George Bush every monday, and whose church is in the same town as the Academy, and ironically enough is in the end of the Jesus Camp video that I posted earlier! Thanks again for reading, I hope to hear your thoughts on these issues. Happy Vaneltine's Day, or Happy Pagan Martyr Day!

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