Sunday, February 22, 2009



1. something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.: The approval of others is a potent stimulus.
2. Physiology, Medicine/Medical. something that excites an organism or part to functional activity.

After Obama's stimulus everyone will get some money and be happy for a little while. But introducing $700 billion into the $10 trillion money supply will only cause our dollar to be worth 93 cents, which means inflation will rise 7 cents almost immediately. Look at the graph, pay close attention to post-1995. We've gone from 4 trillion to over 10 trillion in fourteen years. The big problem is all of that gray and the lack of green, somewhere between ONLY 4-7% (depending on how you look at it) actually exists as currency, the rest is all digital and really doesn't even exist.

It goes without being said that the Bush regime was the cause of the recessed times, but this stimulus package makes no sense... How about we take the 1% of people that own 40% of the world's wealth and beat the shit out of them for being such greedy, arrogant ass wipes? In America, that would mean that we have over three million people who each have $1.3 million each, and the remaining 99% 302.8 million of us have $19,815, that is of course if it were evenly distributed between two groups and averaged... But you are missing the point, there are a rich elite group of bankers, CEOs, actors, athletes, and more that are turning their cheeks to a starving world. We've got enough technology and medicine to make this world remarkably better than it is right now, heal the environment by creating cleaner energy, cure diseased nations by either funding research for cures we don't have yet, or maybe let's start with TB, we can cure that, why are thousands dying every week?

Why do we watch the academy awards where we see extremely wealthy douche bags flaunt million dollar outfits with pounds of diamonds adorned when it is very hard for us to afford to buy an impressive engagement ring that your wife will wear the rest of her life? It is ridiculous, there is no reason why I should stand for this behavior, it makes me sick to my stomach, literally. I just puked all over my TV after I gagged myself with the most expensive thing I could find in sight, which ironically enough WAS my TV.

Even though Bush was an idiot, there's no reason for Obama to keep doing idiotic things, and believe me pouring $700 billion (that we don't have) into the mix is complete and utter bullshit, and will only cause further deflation of the dollar. It's a placebo. Everyone's happy because they get free money, but it will only add payload as you try to live out the rest of your life.


Jesus / Economy / Wine

I saw this posted somewhere, and felt compelled to share it.

"He [Jesus] accompanied me in difficult times, in crucial moments. So Jesus Christ is no doubt a historical figure— he was someone who rebelled, an anti-imperialist guy. He confronted the Roman Empire. Because who might think that Jesus was a capitalist? No. Judas was the capitalist, for taking the coins! Christ was a revolutionary. He confronted the religious hierarchies. He confronted the economic power of the time. He preferred death in the defense of his humanistic ideals, who fostered change. He is our Jesus Christ."

I think this guy has a great outlook. Why should it be any more complicated than that? Jesus was awesome! We need someone to revolt in America.

The only way we're going to truly come out of this is by overthrowing this horrid system involving locked doors and creating money out of thin air. It's only going to get worse. Sure if Obama has $700 BILLION printed, everyone will have a false sense of security, but it will only be temporary. You can take all of the money now in circulation (around 10 trillion dollars), subtract $700,000,000,000, then divide by 10 trillion, you get what the dollar is worth and the impact of this 'stimulus'. So, 10,000 - 700 = 9,300. 9,300/10,000 = .93 which means inflation will rise 7 cents pretty immediately, it has to. Great plan. On to the next subject....

To all you beer drinkers. When there's a wine party, (you don't have to drink as much wine as you do beer. It gets you wasted, be careful!) I was running sound for a live event at our studio and got absolutely trashed on only a few small glasses of vino. It was funny, but man do I wish there was something that you could do to sober up if you've gone too far! Don't steal that idea! Bye for now. I hope you enjoyed "Jesus / Economy / Wine", I had to package the three.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Root, root, root for the home team...

I figured out why I love to watch sports, but can't get really into them like most other guys... My favorite thing in sports is a good game, one that will keep you on the edge of your seat, popping up out of your seat, screaming and yelling, snacks, beer, etc... But the 'anti-establishment' or 'non-conformist' in me cannot pick a favorite team! When I hear: "Georgia is playing Florida, it's going to be a great game", I would much rather watch that than watch my 'favorite' team play a 'boring' game. I mean, I have teams that I like, but not favorites. I think the only reason you should own a jacket, hat, bumper sticker, etc... is if you are an alumni.

I say all of this to make this point. Try to think about religion in this manner. You should be excited to just experience the wonders in life and to celebrate what God is doing. Don't stick with one team, that is boring. The best games are more than likely going to be between other teams.

I know my view on this is confusing and contradicting. Christians say Muslims are going to burn in Hell, Muslims believe in killing Christians for spiritual reward. Well, drum roll, I believe those are man made corruptions, things that were written into those sacred texts by men and here's why. Back then religious persecution was much, much bigger than it is today. Even today they are still very strict in certain areas like China, middle-east, Ireland, etc... but back then those men's lives were at stake. Imagine if they said "oh, this is just another way of looking at things, it's very similar to yours, but some differences and we believe this is how it went..." They would have been sentanced to death and the new 'religions' would have died in vein. So of course they used FEAR to persuade the 'status quoians'. They put into place that if you did NOT agree with them then you were wrong, and would pay for eternity, or reincarnate as a dung fly, etc... Does that make sense? It is the same fear that Bush enstilled in us to go to war. It works, when people are afraid they will do whatever it takes to feel safe again. This is why FDR's quote, if you really think about it, is so profound and sums up WORLD PEACE and the MEANING OF LIFE "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" in my opinion, the wisest words ever spoken. I will leave you with a couple more quotes about fear:
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." -Marie Curie
"Fear is met and destroyed with courage." -James F. Bell
"...and if they don't win it's a shame." -Jack Norworth

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Child Indoctrination Nation: Elation vs Frustration

I want to point out a simple fact that is overlooked and affects everyone tremendously.


–verb (used with object), -nat⋅ed, -nat⋅ing, -nat⋅ion (n.).
1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
2. to teach or inculcate.
3. to imbue with learning.

Of course I don't think it is a bad thing for parents to show their kids what they believe. But it is another thing to deprive them of the entire existence. What's even worse is that the child grows up and doesn't even know what happened to his/her beliefs, they are just there. One step further, they accept it with very little concern or disgruntlement. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Parents just try to do what's best for their children, I understand that. Christianity has taught me how to be a good person. I am glad my parents showed me that. But I really wish they, or someone at my church, or anyone really, would have sat me down and asked me:
  • "Why did you become a Christian?"
  • "What made you chose that over the other choices?"
  • "Do you believe that other religious individuals outside of Christianity will go to Hell?"
I became a Christian because I went to church with my family, then when I met some friends in Jr. High who quickly became my best friends, they brought me to their youth group and it was a lot of fun and started adding actual meaning to my life. I didn't chose over any other choice. It wasn't 'Republican or Democrat?' And the third question, well I hadn't really thought about that, and when it did it made my heart break and disgusted me. When you go as far as to start saying that Islams are infidels and should be converted, where do you get off? They grew up just like you did! They think you are wrong! Can't we all just get along?

When I look back, I see that my brain was washed. My emotions were manipulated. Of course I want to 'accept Jesus as my personal savior and spend eternity in Heaven', I mean, who could resist that??? If you consider yourself any kind of religious person, I beg of you to ask yourself these questions. You must educate yourself as much as possible in this area, and then make an intellectual decision, not an emotional cop-out. This is not basketball. Just because I am from Florida I have to root for the Heat or the Magic? Thank God that's not the case.

I am going to post Jesus Camp again, it is a movie that everybody needs to see, it portrays the youth at a summer camp, and my heart melts for these children. I want to close by quoting something that is used a lot in Christian church, "faith like a child." This refers to adults saying they wish they could believe whole heartedly like children do. Well, why do you think that is? Maybe because children are uneducated and as you have grown older you have realized some shady stuff and find it hard to believe anymore. And no it is not Satan, I know that is the first response, it is factual information. You convince children that Santa Claus flies around with magical reindeer and drops through the chimney to give you free presents. See how easily they are persuaded? We must put an end to this, NOW. It is unfair and it is causing WARS. If you don't believe part (most) of our reasons for being overseas for religious causes, I implore you to watch Constantine's Sword, it should be available at movie stores or I watched it on netflix. A wonderful documentary, in it he visits the United States Air Force Academy where Christianity is being force fed, and also interviews Ted Haggard who is an evangelical preacher that spoke with George Bush every monday, and whose church is in the same town as the Academy, and ironically enough is in the end of the Jesus Camp video that I posted earlier! Thanks again for reading, I hope to hear your thoughts on these issues. Happy Vaneltine's Day, or Happy Pagan Martyr Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Attn: Evangelists. "Well, that's just like, your opinion man." -Dude

This started out as a letter to my friend who was getting upset because he didn't feel he was letting enough people know about his religion, which yes, was Christianity. This is what I wanted to tell him, but didn't because I didn't feel it was my place.

Imagine if you will: Someone comes up to you and tells you about something you've never heard of before. Something that sounds so fantastic that you cannot resist. Something that will make you feel sooo good, and you will want to keep going back for more and more and can't get enough. It will change your life drastically and permanently. You don't really understand why it makes you feel the way you do, it just happens. Knowing all of that information, doesn't that sound impeccable? Well, I was talking about heroin, not Christianity. (OK, not REALLY... but you get the point) I know you want to share what you believe in, we all do, but the fact is that Christian evangelism has been misinterpreted and abused, and is now a dangerous and ugly thing. When it is as simple as 'believe in this and you won't burn in hell, but live in Heaven with God, all you have to do is say you believe', that is a cop-out, that is not spirituality, that is not divine in nature. It is just persuasive, manipulative, and really shouldn't take place on a superficial level of every day normal chat like that. I believe that TRUE spirituality is learning all that you can and looking at the big picture and taking it all in, Christianity is only a small segment. Well, I'll say it is a large segment, but only because it is what I have been indoctrinated with. Don't get me wrong, I love Christianity and Jesus, but I love other things as well. I have contempt for those other things, too. This whole 'religion' thing that humans have created has really diverted the attention from GOD to having to be RIGHT. If someone is indeed 100% right, there is no way to prove it until you die.

John 14:6, 1 Timothy 2:5, and Acts 4:12, (paraphrase: there is no other way but Christianity) shows me tremendous pride (the bad kind). Do these verses really mean that the cultures across the globe who have their sacred texts and beliefs are going to Hell? How could anyone say such a thing? Since he was a little boy, Abdul's parents taught him the ways of the Qur'an and Allah. He didn't meet a Christian until mid life, and they had an interesting conversation, but they both still chose to continue what they, their culture, their leaders, and their families believed in. Abdul goes to Hell for that? The God I believe in wouldn't be so cruel to do that to entire nations. It is this alone why I have distanced myself from the American Christian Church. If you read the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts, which you should read, it has been translated directly into English. Here's a couple links: (Hebrew OT) (Aramaic NT), you will find that there have been some interesting translations that completely change what was meant. It made me very angry to know that the Bible is subjective and it all depends on which version you read, and even which publishers printed it. I have seen two NIVs word things differently.

If you live a great life, your natural aura will appeal to people who will want to talk to you about your beliefs. To me, random daily evangelism is kinda like going out to a bar and picking up some random girl and screwing her, only instead of getting her pregnant, you might get her saved, yay! Another bad thing about evangelism is that when you pop it up like that it causes one of two things. If the person is affiliated elsewhere, you just threw his/her blockers up. If they are a non-believer they are going to feel weird and not be in the appropriate setting for such a conversation. You shouldn't have an elevator pitch with the intent of 'saving one's soul'. What would be more constructive for the both of you would have been to have a sincere sit down private talk about spirituality. Then it's all good, that isn't evangelism, that is two intellectuals having a conversation about the things that really matter most. So don't get me wrong, share as much as you can, but to 'evangelize' in public and to people who you are not very close to is just..... AHH! And sometimes it can be very offensive, just like this blog could be to you, and I'm sorry if it is. I can't stand it when people evangelize to me as if I am stupid and I 'don't get it', I GET IT now go play dodge ball in your church gym with the kids. Which sets up my next blog: Child Indoctrination Nation: Elation vs Frustration.

Please, if you disagree with me on this, I urge you to watch a documentary called Jesus Camp. Click here for a direct link, you can watch it for free on Google Videos. If that doesn't change your mind, then I don't know what to tell ya! But I would be more than happy to discuss it further. Thanks for reading, please send me some feedback.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ignorance is NOT bliss.

Many, and I'd say most people laugh in the face of videos like these and write them off as 'conspiracy theories'. I don't know what it will take to convince these people that it is more than just two hours of silly paranoia. When I asked a friend if she'd watched it yet, she said it was too long, that two hours was just too much. So apparently you can watch Leonardo DiCaprio sink in a boat for three hours, but two hours of mind numbing factual earth-shaking material is too much.

I got into a fairly heated argument with a baby boomer over the gold standard. He didn't know our currency was not backed by gold anymore. He asked what our money was backed by, I said "nothing." He said "Yeah right, that is wrong and silly", whereas I replied "Yes, you are right, it is both wrong and silly." I at least was able to rise a laugh out of the conversation. The majority of people are uneducated on our government, banks, corporations, and religion, and that is exactly what those institutions want.

We are in a new era now. The internet has given us access to almost whatever information we need. Think back to 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created. Generations have gone by where there was little question as to this bank's authority. And whatever question there was, very little attention was drawn to it. Well now, extensive research has been done. The result is unbelievable, which is a shame. Believe it, we are enslaved by the very people who call us free. If you refuse to educate yourself in even the possibility, then you are an idiot. I am sitting here writing to you to tell you of what I have learned, and that I have felt that I have been fooled for my entire life. I consider myself intelligent, not because of what I know or how smart I am, but because my head is in constant turmoil, and I have done a lot of reading and research. But most of all because I have watched the Zeitgeist films. I have watched them a few times and looked into pretty much everything. Yes, there are a few disagreements, and yes the Venus project has some flaws, but at least these people have tried and succeeded in bringing the most important subject matters to hand.

Please understand that I am not crazy! What is crazy is that the 'elite' have very successfully enslaved us, and we don't even know it. 1% of the people in this world own 40% of the wealth. 34,000 children die from poverty and preventable diseases. 50% of all people live on less than $2 a day. It's not just amazing, it's true. It's time to stop feeling bad. It's time to start feeling good by doing something about this. Act now! If you haven't yet, please go to and watch the films. After you have seen it, don't just sit there in amazement. Tell as many people as you can. Time has come to put a stop to these things. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An end to lost thoughts

I have decided to put a stop to wasting brain waves by posting everything to a blog. I know, it's a little late and many of you have expressed interest in reading into my thoughts, updates, "Walkerisms", and beliefs. Hopefully one day a thousand years from now an alien will discover a hard drive at Google where my blog is stored and relish it. "Andrew, do you believe in aliens?" No, not yet. I do, however, believe that our government is hiding some crucial information on this subject. "Andrew, is that the only thing that our government is hiding from us?" HAHAHAHA! (After catching my breath), no.. it is not. "Andrew, is our government the only institution that is corrupt and misleading it's followers?" HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP IT, IT HURTS, oh you're serious? Well, friend, if you're dying to know, which I assure you we all are, you can bet that most of your politicians from your city council to the President, and most of your religious foundations from your Sunday school teachers to the Pope, are lying, twisting, manipulating, and hiding stuff from you. Don't get me wrong, there are millions of people along the way who all have good intentions, many of whom don't even know what it is that they are doing, who are good people, and who only want the best for themselves and the people they love. But unfortunately "We the People" are a society who threatens everything we stand for. We promote liberty, but have armed guards in foreign country to promote"Democracy". (Democracy is a form of government in which power is held by people under a free electoral system. Oh yeah, but it is put into place by a nation on the other side of the globe using armed forces. And the candidates that you get to choose from are chosen by foreigners as well. Religion (being founded as a Christian nation, and me growing up a Christian, I intend to direct this that way) is supposed to be an avenue to save ones soul and provide meaning and direction in life. If this was true, then everyone who disagrees, or "doesn't see the truth" will burn in Hell, have no direction or guidance, and will not have a clue why they are on this planet. Who would want to be a part of an elitist smug culture like that? Everyone who sees things the way I do is going to have infinite riches and absolute bliss, but if you disagree you will burn, burn, and burn again until the end of time. This is what this blog will mostly be about, and I hope that you will join me. I believe that our biggest problem is that most everyone knows not to openly discuss religion or politics. Well why should we only hear of religion from churches and politics from our government and their controlled media? We should be discussing this everyday! It is these things that matter most, that shapes your lives, that makes you who you are. Why would you not discuss it? Because it might start an uproar? Because you might lose a friend? Because there are more important things to discuss or do with your time? No. If done properly, it should result in tranquility and fellowship, and there is nothing more important than that. If we can all live together, if we can all understand each other, if we can all emphasize the importance of each other, then we might actually be able to answer the unanswerable question that is a favorite since you were able to formulate questions in your infant brain: "What is the meaning of life?" If we go through life talking about parties, antics, fashion, appearances, cars, football, cute butts, etc... then how will we ever understand our meaning? Find out about others. Think of stuff that you don't know and go out and learn about it! Our society is way too closed in. At the age of 21 I looked back and realized that all I really understood was Christianity, Democrats, and Republicans! Well in the last two years alone I have realized how uneducated I was (and still am). There is so much out there for us to take in. So I challenge you to add a little meaning into your life. If you want to know what the meaning of life is, you have to start by caring and questioning these things. And please, whatever you do, come back here and share with me, because that's all I'm looking to get out of this. I don't even know what it is that I believe in, so I am not trying to preach, just evoking conversation. Thanks for reading. I love you, and I hope to hear from you very soon!